I’m delighted and honored because I have been awarded at the 56th Wildlife Photographer of the Year by the Natural History Museum of London, Highly Commended in the Wildlife Photojournalist category.
Many thanks to NHM and congratulations to all the photographers.
I am happy because it means a great acknowlegment of my work also because this photograph highlights a global marine conservation issue.
This image shows a problem with cetacean strikes worldwide and a local problem that we have in Canary Islands where the most important population of pilot whales in Europe lives.
I have spent more that a decade photographing these animals off my home island of Tenerife.
I would like to say many thanks to all of my sponsors, Oris, Aqualung, RVCA and Canon Spain, because without their support this would be imposible.
Dear Mr Perez,
Thank you for the incredible image. I have been trying to understand a bit more of what it shows: could you please explain?
It looks like it’s an almost-amputated cetacean that is still alive?
Thank you,